Millionaire pinball by Williams 1987

Here we repaired a 1987 Williams "Millionaire.  It's a bit rough but plays great!  Someone put the factory optional playfield protective overlay on after the game had been used for a while.  We see this all the time.... Put a clear protective sheet over dirt?  Then many years later if you try to take it off the paint comes off the wood.  This one's not so bad, mostly just bubbled up.  The game had lots of flipper issues, both drop targets were inop, roulette wheel was busted, many switches and wires busted... the usual.

The service notes follow:

04/26/2014 10:59:01  Picked up, display/speaker bezel broken, 1 leg bent, 1 display not working, left flipper stays on. sn:61215

04/28/2014 14:31:56  We found 2 broken targets on your game. These are ordered and should arrive by Friday. Still working on your game.

05/03/2014 20:12:47  Repaired speaker/display bezel with plastic weld and glued it back on. Top drop-target had a broken reset plate. Bottom drop-target had a transistor bad. All 3 flippers repaired with new sleeves, new E.O.S Switches, new flippers and d-burred plungers and back-stops. Left flipper coil was burned up, replaced it. Left flipper button switch was burned up and sticking, replaced it. Most playfield flasher bulbs were not working, replaced resistors on resistor boards. Found shorts causing fuses to blow in G.I. lights on playfield top area. Fixed loose power switch. Replaced power cord end plug, ground pin was missing.

05/03/2014 20:17:46  Cleaned and waxed the playfield, replaced rubbers and most of the light bulbs. Almost all the flashers were replaced. Clean and vacuum the cabinet. Many, many little things fixed all over the game. Testing. This game will be ready for delivery tomorrow, Sunday.

05/04/2014 11:48:04  Found home made actuator rod on ramp entry switch not working correctly, replaced it. Replaced battery holder and batteries for CPU. Machine is ready for delivery.

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