Playboy pinball by Bally 1978

Here is an example of a repair shop nightmare.  This 1978 Bally Playboy had been sitting in a Texas barn that was not exactly protecting the game from nature.  The machine was infested with dozens of mud dabber nests.  It also had been exposed to moisture that cultured a black mold that was very hard to remove.  We started by literally removing everything from the cabinet, even the wiring.  Then we washed, with hot soapy water,  the cabinet, wires, boards and everything on the playfield.  This job went way over our normal price, this game's original condition should have made it a junk parts source, the customer just wanted it done so we took the job. 

The service notes follow:

02/19/2014 08:08:17   Started 02/16/14. We have removed everything from the game cabinet and washed all the wood with hot soap and water. All the wiring removed also also. Removed everything from the topside of the playfield and cleaned it as best we can. Started repairing the backglass paint loss. Ordered a few parts. The front door is so rusted we are looking for a used coin door to replace it.

02/25/2014 18:19:40   We have cleaned, painted the playfield. Replaced the rubbers. Replaced 128 pins in the wiring harness! Many were badly rusted. We painted the backglass and placed some letters to indicate player up, shoot again and game over. Will start re-assembling the wiring and working on the playfield mechanical areas.

02/27/2014 18:22:10   Replaced more pins in connectors. Re-installed the entire cabinet wiring. Re-installed the boards, transformer assembly and display holders. Repaired many bad solder joints on sound board and displays. Rebuilt all 3 pop bumpers with bodies, skirts, rings and sleeves. Replaced kicker heads on slingshots and sleeves on those coils. Cut off all disc capacitors under playfield (factory ordered modification). Repaired many little things under playfield. Will rebuild flippers in the morning. Game will be ready for delivery tomorrow.

03/01/2014 08:45:06  Replaced #4 player display with a good used unit. Replaced playfield glass trim. Rebuilt flippers with sleeves, end of stroke switches, 1 backstop and ground off burrs on plungers. Printed new cards. Installed plastic lift channel (new) from a stern, your metal lift channel is too tight and may break the glass while installing it.

03/01/2014 11:47:42  Replaced leveling pads, you had 2 rusted solid to the leg, had to put in vise and work them out. Game is finally ready to go.

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