Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta

(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta

This Jacks to Open pin has a very nice playfield.  Of course it had  battery leak damage, dried up capacitors, a shorted transistor and the usual corroded board connections.  All in all thought, it was not that hard to clean up.  The service notes follow:

05/29/2013 13:14:35   Repaired CPU board - broken trace due to previous battery leak. Repaired driver board - 1 2N3055 transistor shorted. Replaced caps on power supply and did R10 and CR7 modification. Replaced all connectors on power supply with square-post pc solder thru type Molex. Replaced caps on sound board. Cleaned all edge connector and plugs on all boards, coated with anti corrosion chemical. Replaced the 2 6800uf 25v caps with 1 15,000 35v cap on fuse/rectifier board. 2 fuses replaced, wrong type. Cleaned a display edge connectors and plugs.

Playfield waxed, new posts, rubbers, rail guides and flipper paddles. 2 light sockets replaced. Shooter rod knob loose - replaced. Back-box lock and door lock replaced. General clean, adjust and lube playfield underside mechanical devices. Vacuum cabinet.

Replaced power cord, make new cards, straighten leg. Game is ready for delivery.

(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
(image for) Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta
Jacks To Open pinball by Gottlieb/Mylsta

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