Whiterwater pinball by Williams 1993

(image for) Whiterwater pinball by Williams 1993
Whiterwater pinball by Williams 1993

Whitewater pinball by Williams

Sorry for the bad pictures.  Lost the good pics.  This game is definately not a collector's dream.  Way too many broken ramps and plastic parts.  So a lot of plastic weld, some custom made ramp protectors, several damaged driver board connectors, a lot of playfield damage on the under-side, brazing on a bracket, acid leak fixed on CPU board, battery holder replaced and re-located off-board, re-set problem fixed in power supply section,  and a lot of testing to find all the little issues on this very complicated game.  This game ends up being not-too-pretty, but just right for the grandkids and on budget for this happy grandfather/owner.

(image for) Whiterwater pinball by Williams 1993
Whiterwater pinball by Williams 1993
(image for) Whiterwater pinball by Williams 1993
Whiterwater pinball by Williams 1993
(image for) Whiterwater pinball by Williams 1993
Whiterwater pinball by Williams 1993

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