Electronic or electromechanical Pinball?

What is the difference between an electronic or electromechanical pinball? 

Electromechanical pinballs are older machines made before computer electronics went mainstream, generally before 1978.  These older games had mechanical scoring "reels" behind the back-glass.  No LED or Gas Discharge displays, no sounds other than mechanical bells and usually simple side art and other graphics.  These games were sold for less than $1000 new and built mostly in Chicago.  EM pinballs can be much harder to repair.  Parts and technical information (schematics) can be a real problem. Few repair shops still take EM pinballs in.

Electronic pinballs (usually built after 1978) have DIGITAL electronics inside.  These games cost much more new than "EM" type games.  Electronic pinballs have modular electronic components that can be swapped between games of the same model types.  There are a lot of aftermarket support for electronic pinballs.  Parts and technical information is in general good supply.

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