This 1980 Bally slot machine was used in a club in Japan for US Army personnel. It pays mostly small amounts and has a conservative pay table. The customer bought it from the Army and has fond memories of those days. The workorder service notes follow:
01/29/2013 08:08:54 Changed dead battery on CPU board, fixed coin mech, clean and lube reel mech, replaced capacitors on power supply, clean delay relay contacts, bad blade type micro switch on back of reel mech, got it to play but goes into tilt sometimes, still working on it. Will be done soon.
01/30/2013 16:15:11 Fixed tilt issues on reel mech, reel reader optic boards aligned, lube handle, Tested a lot, still need to work more on the hopper and clear coat the top and reel glass panels. This game will be ready tomorrow if nothing else shows up.
02/01/2013 10:01:44 Found system intermittent reset due to noisy starter in top glass light, replaced all capacitors on hopper control board and MPU board including the 2 Tantalum caps, disassembled hopper to clean and lube everything including motor tear down (found a lot of dry grease), clear coat all three glass plates, replace lower F14T8 bulb and 2 starters, need to call customer about keys.
02/01/2013 10:36:54 Replaced lock on Tilt/Reset switch. 1 1/8" double bit key #1382